How to use game recording

※ This function is supported from "Directx8" to "Directx12" and "OpenGL" environment.
To start, please click "Game" in the main menu.

If you have done it, "Game" menu will be change it's color to red, and size control icon will be disappeared.
When you move to your game screen, you can find yellow FPS number in your game screen.
To recording, please press "F2" key ( you can change this key on your options menu.)
Recording will be in progress and you can see that FPS number's color is changed to red.
If you want to stop recording, please press "F2" again.

Today's Tip

[FAQ]'is dangerous, so Chrome has blocked it.' Google Chrome Not Downloading Files

In some cases, Google Chrome browser incorrectly detects ohsoft software and alerts you that it is dangerous, so Chrome has blocked it.

ohsoft programs are secure software that does not include any malware or sponsor programs. If you get a false alert , click the Show all button (as shown in the Pic1). 

Click [Keep dangerous file] to proceed downloading. (Pic2)

* Check out various tips.

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