Initialize Service for PC enrollment

This service is a service to initialize the serial number that was purchased when the PC has been damaged or replaced.
After initialization, please re-register in program.
If you have any problem with the initialization, please contact us via e-mail below.
Email Address :

Today's Tip

[HOWTO]Game recording

* Game recording supports Directx8 to Directx12, OpenGL.

Click the Record Game button.

Click to change to the game recording tab and the resize button will disappear.

Now when you go to the running game window, you will see a yellow FPS number display on the top left of the game screen.

Now press F2, the recording hotkey (you can change it in settings).

The FPS number turns red as shown below, indicating that recording is in progress.


To stop recording, press the Record hotkey F2 again to stop recording.

* Check out various tips.

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