[FAQ]Please do not install absolutely portable version.  

[FAQ]Please do not install absolutely portable version.

The portable version does not have a file that is being officially supported.


When I examined as there are files that move around rapids and, in multiple sites in a file named "oCam v_version name_Portable.7z"


It has been confirmed in version that was created crackers.


The development company, it is not possible to guarantee any of the portable version. 


In addition, the portable version, because it is the version that was created cracker, it is not known viruses such as what modulation and if they were included, I hope to not install absolutely.


There are only archive of the famous download site and http://ohsoft.net site to deploy ocam.


I recommend to install only the setup version of the official site always. 

Additional tips

[HOWTO]oCam settings- Effect - Highlight effect

Click on Tools-Options in the OCam Main Menu to learn about highlight effects in the Effect Category settings.


The highlight effect is used to give the viewer of the movie the current mouse cursor position.
A description of each option follows.

-The color to apply when highlighting. It is set to yellow by default.

-When highlighting, a semi-transparent circle is drawn around the mouse cursor. Specify the size of the circle. It is set to 90 by default.

Soft edge
-The larger this value is, the smoother the border of the circle will be.

-The smaller this value, the more transparent the circle becomes.

-Preview the mouse effect set by the user.

The following image was recorded with a small opacity and a yellow color setting.

The following image was recorded with a large opacity and red color.

If the opacity value is too large, the highlight effect may cover the screen at the mouse position. Therefore, the opacity value should be set properly.

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