[HOWTO]Setting up oCam-Save
[HOWTO]Setting up oCam-Save Click the Tools-Options on the oCam Main Menu to learn how to set your storage category. By default, the save path is set to the "My PC-Documents-oCam" folder based on Windows 10. When you record, record, and capture, everything is saved in this path. You can change it by clicking the button.
<YY> = 16 <YYYY> = 2016 <M> = 6 <MM> = 06 <MMM> = 6 <MMMM> = 6월 <D> = 16 <DD> = 16 <DDD> = 목 <DDDD> = 목요일 <DDDDD> = 2016-06-16 <DDDDDD> = 2016년 6월 16일 목요일 <C> = 2016-06-16 오전 11:29:49 <H> = 11 <HH> = 11 <N = 29 <NN> = 29 <S> = 49 <SS> = 49 <Z> = 902 <ZZZ> = 902 <T> = 오전 11:29 <TT> = 오전 11:29:49 <AM/PM> = AM <a/p> = a <ampm> = 오전
<Prefix> = 녹화 <ProgramName> = oCam
<UserID> = 사용자이름 <DisplayUserName> =
<#> = 1 <##> = 01 <###> = 001
The format for file names may seem difficult for some users. Here are some examples. Program |
Codecs are supported, you can When you click the button in the codec-time orchestra main window, it is confirmed immediately.
MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, XVID, OpenDivx, Microsoft MPEG-4 Part 2, video codec basic, is the Microsoft MPEG-4 Part 3. The codec will be saved in AVI container format that all.
Recording is performed using the Microsoft MPEG-4 Part 2 codec default orchestra arm during installation, when using the codec, without installing a codec different from the recorded program of the other alternative, the video player most at It is possible to play.
In the case of extension of QuickTime MOV Apple-developed, QuickTime Player, is a dedicated format, codec uses the MPEG-4.
With the extension of the TS, MPEG-PS is a container format with the extension of VOB, MPEG-2 transport stream, use the MPEG-2 codec further.
Finally, the audio codec that is saved with the recording of the video, are stored in MP3 format of all. Back to top |