[Tips]Tips for adjusting to el..  

[Tips]Tips for adjusting to elaborate the recording area window

I think in order to support the shortcut keys that can be moved or resized the window to set the recording area, those who do not know is if like a lot.


A finely movable by using the arrow keys, it is Ctrl + arrow when you want to move more. 


And a combination of Shift + arrow, you can adjust the window size.


Then! When you press a combination of Sift + Ctrl + arrow, says many controls and better window size.



arrow key=move, Ctrl+arrow key=power move

Shift+arrow key=size, Sift+Ctrl+arrow key=power size


Additional tips

[FAQ]Game bounces immediately after starting Minecraft recording with oCam (Nvidia graphics card)

If you call a function that initializes CUDA from an app written in java when you install a recently released version of the NVIDIA driver (378.49) (other versions may also be included) (cuInit, Stack cookie instrumentation code detected a stack-based buffer overrun.) There is a bug that crashes.

This is not a bug in Ocam and applies to all apps that use CUDA.

Please install the latest version of 378.66 or higher.

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