[Tips]Tips for adjusting to el..  

[Tips]Tips for adjusting to elaborate the recording area window

I think in order to support the shortcut keys that can be moved or resized the window to set the recording area, those who do not know is if like a lot.


A finely movable by using the arrow keys, it is Ctrl + arrow when you want to move more. 


And a combination of Shift + arrow, you can adjust the window size.


Then! When you press a combination of Sift + Ctrl + arrow, says many controls and better window size.



arrow key=move, Ctrl+arrow key=power move

Shift+arrow key=size, Sift+Ctrl+arrow key=power size


Additional tips

[Tips]Nox App (Android Player) Solution for the rack that occurs badly when recording a game

* Tested on Nox App Player V3.7.5.1 version (2016.11.24).

If the rack occurs badly after starting the game recording, please change the setting as below.

Run the Nox app and click the gear in the top right corner.

In the System Settings window that appears, go to Advanced Settings on the left, select Graphics Mode as Speed Mode (DirectX) and click the Save Settings button.

Restarting the Knox app should solve the problem.

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