Click Tools-Options in the top menu of Ocam. Click the Save tab on the left to set the file name to save.
By default it is saved in the following format: <Prefix>_<YYYY_MM_DD_HH_NN_SS_Z>
Characters enclosed in <> brackets contain special keywords that can be used to represent headers, dates, serial numbers, program names, user IDs, and user names.
The default setting is to start recording and finish the recording. It will be saved in the recording_2015_05_07_14_22_41_791 format.
This will save the test_2015_05_07_14_22_41_791 format when recording is complete.
If you want to add a serial number rather than a date after the test
Test _ <#> will save Test_1 ... Test_2 ... Test_3 ............ Test_10 It's possible.
Description of special keywords in <> brackets
If the current date is 2015_05_07_14_22_41_791 Form,
<Y> = 15 (two-digit year) <YY> = 15 (two-digit year) <YYYY> = 2015 (four digit year) <M> = 5 (one digit per month) <MM> = 05 (two digits per month) <MMM> = 5 (not used in Korean locales) <MMMM> = May (monthly, followed by language according to system locale) <D> = 7 (one digit per day) <DD> = 07 (two digits per day) <DDD> = Thursday (day of week) <DDDD> = Thursday (pasted by language according to locale) <DDDDD> = 2015-05-07 (date) <DDDDDD> = Thursday, May 7, 2015 (date and day of week, localized by language) <C> = 2015-05-07 2:22:41 pm (date and time) <H> = 14 (one digit of hour) <HH> = 14 (two-digit hour)
<N>= 22 (one digit minute)
<NN>= 22 (two digit minute) <S> = 41 (single digit seconds) <SS> = 41 (two digit seconds) <Z> = 791 (milliseconds) <ZZZ>= 791 (milliseconds) <T> = 2:22 PM (names are different according to AM / PM locale, followed by time)
<TT> = 2:22:41 PM (AM / PM locales are therefore different names, followed by hours and seconds) <AM/PM> = AM or PM <a/p> = a or p <ampm> = AM or PM
<Prefix> = Record when recording, screen capture when capture, sound when recording <ProgramName> = oCam for basic recording, and the name of the executable file for the game program if the video is recorded.
<UserID> = Windows user ID <DisplayUserName> = window user displayed name
<#> = Single digit serial number <##> = two digit serial number <###> = three digit serial number
This is a blog to share a variety of tips and news associated with OhSoft.
In the main screen of oCam, there is a button called Resize.
A popup menu will appear as shown below.
The yellow highlighted area in the pop-up menu indicates the resolution of the recording area, and clicking on the menu item will change the size of the recording area to the selected resolution.
The maximum resolution supported is 4k by default, and up to 8k for MPEG-4 codec only.
If you click the full screen menu item, the recording area is set to the entire screen. If you start recording in this state, the entire screen is recorded.
The Find Recording Window menu item displays the window indicated by the mouse pointer as a red rectangle box when clicked. If clicked, the area of the window indicated by the mouse pointer is designated as the recording area.
Find Record Destination window is useful when you want to record or capture only a specific window.
Custom size menu item can be clicked and user can input the size of recording area by number as follows.