[FAQ]7 Days to die Game can't ..  

[FAQ]7 Days to die Game can't recognize game recording (AntiCheat related)

* This problem occurs when running a game that contains AntiCheat.

Select the game in Steam and press the blue play button
Select Launch Without AntiCheat and run it to record normally.

Or in the following steam library path:

You can run SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe and run it without any anti-cheats.

Additional tips

[FAQ]Recording does not start with error message 'Failed to url_fopen'

This problem occurs when the recording file fails to create the recording file with the user specified storage path when creating the recording file. To solve the problem, you need to change the path to save the recording file.

Click Tools-Options in Ocam.

Click the Save category on the left and change the save path.

By default, if you specify a path to the desktop, the desktop no longer gives an error, because all desktop programs have permission to create files.

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