[FAQ]The sound becomes loud or..  

[FAQ]The sound becomes loud or torn when playing back the recorded video on the daum pot player

Go to Daum Pod Player Settings (After launching Daum Pod Player, press F5 on your keyboard, or right-click to enter preferences.)

Go to Sound-Normalizer / Reverberation on the left as shown below and check Uncheck Normalizer when playing.


* For reference, normalize means to set the sound to 0db (dbFS). For example, an algorithm that amplifies the sound volume by 0db when the sound being played is -20db is called normalization. This makes the sound louder, and at this point, you may hear a sound that is torn apart.

(The db used here is dbFS, not decibels.)

Additional tips

[FAQ]Game bounces immediately after starting Minecraft recording with oCam (Nvidia graphics card)

If you call a function that initializes CUDA from an app written in java when you install a recently released version of the NVIDIA driver (378.49) (other versions may also be included) (cuInit, Stack cookie instrumentation code detected a stack-based buffer overrun.) There is a bug that crashes.

This is not a bug in Ocam and applies to all apps that use CUDA.

Please install the latest version of 378.66 or higher.

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