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Serial key registration method



oCam Official Version

Initialize Service for PC enrollment

This service is a service to initialize the serial number that was purchased
when the PC has been damaged or replaced. Please re-register in program.
PC Enrollment Initialize

Today's Tip

[HOWTO]Record microphone and system sounds

* This article is for Windows Vista or later. Please refer to the How to use & Tips board for Windows XP.

By default, when recording with OCAM, system sounds are automatically recorded together, but the microphone is not recorded.

If you want to record a microphone as well, click the Sound button on the main screen of oCam, and a popup will appear as shown below. Select a microphone to record.

If checked, the settings are applied as follows and the microphone is recorded together.

If you do not want to record sound at all, uncheck Record system sound and uncheck Do not record microphone.

* Check out various tips.

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